Thursday, June 2, 2005

Iguu Azuu...

I{ve decided to stop apologising for my lack of posts or else it{ll be all I ever do. Furthermore, this post will be written with a weird bracket ({) in the place of an apostrophe as my keyboard doesn{t seem to be down with the english vernacular.

So anyway, I{m not going to rabbit on about what I{ve been up to cos its not very exiting. Suffice to say that my liver has registered its intent to seek asylum and I caught it trying to jump ship while I was sleeping the other night... Dave & Bren had their last day in BA yesterday so we went to "our favourite" french restaurant (which by this stage we should own).

Today, I{m going to accompany the two lads to Iguazu Falls (waterfall malarky - see for an elaborate amount of generic photos) and they will continue on to Rio after that and I will come back to BA to sort out my life.

That{s all I have to say really. Hopefully I will have some generic pics of myself under a waterfall by monday in which case I{ll shag them up on the old blogaroo to keep you punters happy...

I don{t know how to sign off on these posts. I mean, its not a letter, so there{s no point saying "luv, conor"... but at the same time I feel I should indicate that I{m finished drivelling on about things... I suppose its kind of a diary, but do you sign off from a diary... who knows? Maybe I{ll copy Bridget Jones and start giving you my daily stats (that would be a good way to freak out my mum... bridget jones would be the patron saint of abstinence compared to yours truly....)

Anyway, I{m finished for now.... luv conor (hehe)

Oh actually, if you{re reading this, then I want you to post a comment .... I{m fed up with this being a monologue... surely you people have something interesting to say... (seriously, just rant on for a bit... )... thanks to those got the ball rolling!

Now I{m definitely finished... 1 billion ciggies, 6 vats vino tinto, 4 large cows

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