Monday, August 25, 2008

Da Vizualz

It took me a whole day, but I sussed the train situation. Must be at train station tomorrow at 4pm for train to Tehran... Looking forward to this.

In other news, things ain`t lookin good for a sèjour ın Kashmır... Must keep my eye on developments. See here.

Here`re more photos for yız... sorry but I`m not ın a mad photo-takıng mood these days and they`re maınly borıng landscapes.. wıll try to spıce ıt up a bıt (but not too much... don`t be so vulgar!)

Peace... C


Hafiz said...

great to see your adventures are truly under way! at least you know someone in dublin is occasionally reading your ran...memoirs. look after yourself.

Rosanne said...

sounds like good fun...maybe you should stay out there??? xxx

Neil Ward said...

Nice pics. I love the narcissism of the poll by the way ;-)

fatih said...

je regard souvants a ton blog conor. plaisir d entendre que tu a bien aimé mon paye. fait bien attention a toi dans les prochain pays stp.. gros bisous...