Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cold Sore suck @$$

eugghghhghghg, what... what do you want... why are you bugging me...? Oooooowwww, you wanna know what's going on, you want a new post do you? Why do you torment me for updates, your prying eyes raping my soul to feed your sordid desires for information...

Eh... ahem...!

A bit dark is it? A lil' bit crrraaazzzzyyyy!?! I'm only joking... AHAHAHAHA... ROFL... HEE HEE... but you know sometimes it's not so frickin' easy to write this thing... (not like it's a literary masterpiece) but even to know what to drivel on about... During the day, I keep on seeing things and think to myself "Oh by jove, that would make suuuuuch an interessssting anecdote on my little bloggy-woggy!" and then I skip off and instantly forget about it. I try to keep my diary and a pen with me so that I can write down in bullet point form (consultancy training) the little episodes that so illustrate the kaleidoscope of my life, so that I can remember them later. But inevitably I forget to do that, and instead I find my diary filling up with the Farsi phonetic translation for "Top or Bottom?" or "Son of a donkey" (very helpful as an exclamation when haggling). And by the time I get to an internet cafe, my posts end up like some kind of horse manure: And then I went to the loo and after that I saw a sign and then I farted and after that a car beeped and then... and after that... and then... and after that...! You get the idea!

Sooooooooooo, today I went to Persepolis, the foremost attraction in Iran. It was nice! I've also got a cold sore which PISSES ME OFF IMMENSELY!


Pier Paolo said...

Hi Conor, this is what ill do in a couple of years time. I will just follow your footstep so i suggest you live signs here and there down the road so that I can find my way easily. Sounds like a job in itself this blog updating but we enjoy it, so keep it up.
Take care

Ciaran said...

Eeeeuuuu... how ya living lad? Just a quick line to let you know that I'm still keeping up-to-date with your blog (very entertaining I must admit). Forget consultancy, you'd make a great little travel writer but...
Safe travelling mate, looking forward to the next posting.
A presto, Ciaran.

Anonymous said...

Heya Conor
I finally worked out how to leave a comment in here. I called you a few times and left a couple of messages on your vm (hehehehehehehehheheheheheh).
I wanted to know if you bought a new sky jacket in Turkey. I have booked the same hotel in Livigno.
Remember your promise...

Anonymous said...

I thought you might feel a bit lonely, so I decided to leave another (anonymous) post.
Here life is same all same all. No major news. My trips to London or Brussels are obviously not woth of mention in comparison to what your doing now...
I feel a bit lost when I am in Fresh and you are not there.

Grover said...

I was going to compliment you on your photo, before I realised you'd just nicked it from Wikipedia. tut-tut. Persepolis looks cool though.

I can also see that the lack of alcohol is taking its seen from the dementia-influenced posting. Good work...keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Hi billiam Hope all is well . Saw pineappple express last night and have decided you are seth rogans long lost brother. You think your so great with your " im really loving the interaction with locals in iran" i feel a little trip to gitmo bay on your return to eire is in order to extract info . Well im goin tenerife in oct so i hope you are jealous....

Anonymous said...

thats weird i saw pineapple express last night too and everyone was saying ur the image of him!!ur blog is keeping me occupied in work....although u are starting to sound a bit crazy, espcially that last one.....all that travelling on ur own must be taking its toll!anyway take it easy and seeya on saturday...haha, cathy xxx